A Fast Approximation Scheme for Low-Dimensional k-Means
We consider the popular k-means problem in d-dimensional Euclidean space. Recently Friggstad, Rezapour, Salavatipour [FOCS’16] and Cohen-Addad, Klein, Mathieu [FOCS’16] showed that the standard local search algorithm yields a p1`εq-approximation in time pn ̈kq Opdq , giving the first polynomialtime approximation scheme for the problem in low-dimensional Euclidean space. While local search achieves optimal approximation guarantees, it is not competitive with the state-of-the-art heuristics such as the famous k-means++ and D-sampling algorithms. In this paper, we aim at bridging the gap between theory and practice by giving a p1`εq-approximation algorithm for low-dimensional k-means running in time n ̈k ̈plog nq q , and so matching the running time of the k-means++ and D-sampling heuristics up to polylogarithmic factors. We speed-up the local search approach by making a non-standard use of randomized dissections that allows to find the best local move efficiently using a quite simple dynamic program. We hope that our techniques could help design better local search heuristics for geometric problems.
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